January 22, 2024

What’s Your Mantra?

My mission is to make ALL women feel like superheroes and teach the world that exercise shouldn’t have to suck!


Do you have a mantra? Something you say to yourself daily, or maybe just when times get tough? I’ve built a pretty consistent exercise habit, but sometimes life throws me for a loop and I can struggle to fit in exercise just like everybody else.

What helps when your days are so busy taking care of other things that it becomes difficult to do the basics that you know take care of YOU? Well, that’s where a mantra can come into play.

And if your mantra also encapsulates WHY you need to take care of yourself, it becomes even more powerful.

Here’s my current exercise mantra. It’s especially useful when I’m sore, tired, or overscheduled, and skipping the gym seems like the easiest thing to free up some space.

“Step by step and rep by rep, I am beating MS in the gym.”

I’d love to hear some of your mantras! Hit reply and share them with me!

The CaPow booth at the Idaho Health & Fitness Expo was so fun! I met tons of new people and I’m excited to bring them workouts in their homes!
I recently took a training to become an certified MS Fitness Specialist, and I read a sentence that blew my mind. It was so simple and so smart, but I never really thought about it in quite this way.

“Meal planning, dieting, healthy eating (or whatever terms we give it) boils down to one thing: it is a philosophy combined with a program.” You can have all the willpower in the world, but if you don’t have a plan, you are bound to fail.

It struck me that this is what my group nutrition coaching program, Hero Habits, is all about! I’m helping my clients initiate and build a plan that makes sense for them, and then providing encouragement and accountability to stick to it.

We’re about a month in for the very first group of Hero Habits participants, and here is some of the feedback and results we’re getting so far:

Every single person in the group is staying fuller, longer
People are snacking less
They’re discovering new and exciting foods to shake up their routines
They’re breaking up with the scale and finding more joy living their lives
I’m going to start another group soon! If you missed the memo, Hero Habits is a 12-week nutrition coaching program that will help you get clarity about your goals, develop a plan you can actually stick with (no fad diets, no extreme food rules), and feel like a hero in your REAL life – no matter how busy it is, how many picky eaters you live with, etc.

We are celebrating successes EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. and I want that for you too! Click the button below to get on the waitlist for the next group! You’ll be the first to know when I set a start date and get all the details to decide if it’s right for you.

Put Me On the Waitlist!

This is one of my VERY favorite soup recipes! It is packed with veggies and it tastes like a cheesy broccoli soup, but there’s no dairy at all. The secret cheesy ingredient is nutritional yeast, aka nooch. I love soup and salad during the spring months when we never really know if it’s going to be chilly, rainy, sunny, or all at once in the same day!

I get a lot of recipes from Oh She Glows. She’s got a plant-based blog and a ton of cookbooks, and I love using her recipes to get in a few meat-free days each week. Decreasing meat consumption is generally considered good for the planet, and it’s a cool way to keep things interesting in the kitchen by cooking in new ways or utilizing new and unfamiliar ingredients.

Get The Recipe
Stay tuned for my next update in the coming weeks!

P.S. Wanna work with me? Book a quick call here to talk about your goals and get all your questions answered.